

Dec 31, 2023

The Best Jump Ropes to Reenergize Your Workout

Every product is carefully selected by our editors. If you buy from a link, we may earn a commission.

Tired of running and lifting weights? Switch up your workout with these fun and effective tools.

Jump ropes aren't just for gym class anymore. Despite your preconceived notions of this old-school fitness accessory, there are plenty of benefits baked into these roped training tools. But, much like that last jump rope in the box during PE (we all know the one), there's a difference in quality between specific skippers.

Whether you’re looking to master your double unders or just want to add a fun discipline to your cardio training, there's a jump rope out there for your needs. Before we hop into our roundup of the best jump ropes available today, let's look at some of the benefits this recess staple carries in terms of health and fitness.

Outside of just being a fun way to skip through your cardio training, jump ropes carry a lot more perks than you may believe. Despite the simple, portable construction, there's plenty of training potential within each device.

Jump ropes can be great for those wanting to mix up their cardio regimen and take a break from lacing up their running shoes or turning to kettlebells. Jumping rope can quickly raise your heart rate as you work through each workout, and depending on your speed, can really lead to some serious cardiovascular strain.

Outside of the cardio aspects, jumping rope also employs a number of muscle groups as you jump, land and brace with each passing under. Your legs are employed for the skip upward, your arms and shoulders rotate the rope itself, and your core helps stabilize your landing in preparation for the next go-around. If you’re looking for a quick way to engage multiple areas at once, this can be a great discipline to, err, jump into.

There are a lot of moving parts to complete a full jump rope session. You need to rely on your feet, wrists, ankles, shoulders and eyes to work seamlessly in an effort to rotate the rope, time your jump precisely and land effectively in the same spot. All of these factors can help you train for added agility and coordination as you master your jump rope form, which can have unlimited payoffs in other aspects of your training, as well.

Also, when you jump rope, you need to have decent balance to land in the same spot over and over without any deviation. Repeating this motion can help strengthen your feet and calves for better balance, which, again, can benefit other daily training aspects like squatting a barbell, running in a straight line or merely walking around town.

With each jump of a jump rope session, you’re placing your feet and ankles under stress when you impact the ground. Similar to barefoot running, as you adapt and become acquainted with this sensation, so does your musculature, leading to stronger compositions that are ready to take on more challenges within each workout.

These entry-level fitness tools are what you’ll probably picture when thinking of a jump rope. Cheap and portable, these effective workout pieces are typically thicker and heavier than other more specialized models. Materials can vary, but you’ll often see plastic or PVC used in the cables, as well as rubber or foam at the handles.

In terms of jump ropes, these are the supercar variety. Built from high-grade, lightweight metals and often featuring a thin cable for quick revolutions, these ropes are popular among CrossFit enthusiasts and other intense training followers. You’ll also often see a ball-bearing setup where the cable meets the handle, as this can help create faster speeds for high-octane workouts.

Granted, jumping rope can be a full-body workout, but weighted jump ropes can place some added emphasis on your upper body due to their heavier construction. Because the weight is integrated into the handles and cable, you need to exert more energy in your shoulders and arms to rotate the rope around for a full revolution. Also, if you prefer a slower pace but still want to partake in jumping rope, this could be a great option that still packs plenty of punch.

If you’ve ever looked at the wall of a gym class or seen a jump rope competition, this is most likely which jump rope you’ve witnessed. A nylon or steel inner is encased in plastic, segmented beads or tubes, which creates an added sense of thickness and sound as the rope hits the ground at the bottom of a revolution. Additionally, it's very difficult to tangle these ropes thanks to the plastic segments, making these a great option for beginner enthusiasts or those just wanting to stuff a jump rope in their gym bag and go.

In addition to the aforementioned jump rope types, you also want to pay attention to how long the rope or cable is. A properly-sized jump rope features a cable that reaches from your feet to your armpits when standing in the center. Thankfully, though, most jump ropes offer some adjustability where excess cable can be cut to achieve the proper length.

Over the course of multiple weeks, I expanded my normal jump rope warmup to include more extended sessions in an attempt to get a handle on a majority of these top picks. I noted how comfortable each handle felt in my grip, as well as how easy it was to achieve a proper revolution. Additionally, I looked for key features like a coated cable for added durability, easy length adjustments and more.

Now, let's hop to it and skip into better training experiences with the best jump ropes available today.

Across multiple speeds and intensities, I thoroughly enjoyed this simple, lightweight Double Under Speed Rope from WOD Nation. I appreciated the colored coating that made finding my jump rope easier in the gym, and the ball-bearing system really allowed the cable to turn over at the height of each revolution with ease. While the plastic handles felt great in the hands, I am curious about their longevity, however, as is usually the case with plastic fitness gear. Still, at less than $50, this is an absolute must-own for any faithful jump roper.

Want to bring that connected training experience you love from home fitness machines to jumping rope? Pick up this expansive kit from Crossrope and take part in over 1,000 in-app workouts built around jumping rope and bodyweight exercises. Plus, Crossrope includes multiple handles and cables for added variety, and the all-new clip-in connection clasp allows for on-the-fly adjustments that won't sideline your progress mid-session. While you might quiver at the sight of a $300 jump rope kit, trust me when I say this is a worthwhile investment that can bring the fun and function back into your routine.

Editor's Note: Want to track your jumps and workouts as you hop toward a better you? Consider opting for Crossrope's new Amp Jump Rope Set for even more digital training potential.

On the opposite side of the coin from our Best Upgrade pick is this budget-friendly jump from DEGOL. With comfortable, ergonomic handles and a durable, PVC-coated cable, I was more than happy to warm up and train with this effective training tool. I will say, though, that I was surprised at how lightweight this jump rope is. Sure, this can make for effective speed training, but it can take some getting used to and may throw off a beginner's timing if you’re not prepared for the more rapid turnover.

For high-intensity training, this is the premium choice I recommend to any fitness enthusiast. I thoroughly enjoyed the knurled aluminum handles that practically disappeared in my hands, and the dual-bearing system allowed for ultra-fast revolutions when I quickened my pace for double unders and hard-nosed training. I will say, though, that the included bare cable should only be used on gym floors or grassy fields. The bare metal can begin to fray if constantly rotated across concrete or asphalt, so if you want to preserve this luxe rope's durability, it's best to save this for indoor training circuits. For a deeper look, we compared the Rogue SR-2 and the RPM Comp4 in more detail.

When your jumps start to track into the hundreds in a given session, it's understandable that you may miscount a rep or two. Well, thanks to another example of connected fitness, that painstaking process of counting jumps just got easier with the SmartRope Rookie from Tangram. I really liked how the device automatically connected on first jumps, which made just hopping into a workout much easier than other devices. Plus, at $40, this is a very approachable jump rope despite the included digital perks. While I think the rope could be longer, especially if you’re a taller athlete, there's no denying the ease with which you’re able to monitor your progress with this tech-heavy accessory.

Want to give your training that serious Rocky Balboa vibe? Try adding a leather jump rope to your kit, and there's none better than Champion Sports’ Leather Ball Bearing Jump Rope. I appreciate the nostalgic feel of the wooden handles, and the leather rope is durable enough for continued abuse while still providing an effective workout experience. Be mindful, though, that you cannot adjust the length outside of choosing the available measurements upon purchase. This jump rope is available in lengths between 8.5–9.5 feet, so make sure you’re making the correct buy before you end up with a length too long or too short for your specific frame.

As stated before, jumping rope can be a great full-body exercise, and weighted ropes only enhance that notion as you add even more stressors to each revolution. The Everlast Weighted and Adjustable Jump Rope features a removable weight in each handle, which can be great for when you want to focus on upper body training. I also found the adjustable length to be a convenient perk, provided you have a sturdy pair of scissors or pocket knife to cut through the cable. It did take a while for me to loosen the memory of this rope, though, which created some bends and kinks that didn't flow as easily as other jump ropes on this list. For this reason, I recommend storing this Everlast rope in a hung position, allowing gravity to run its course and create a more free-flowing profile.

If you really want to bring jumping rope into your strength training routine, the RXSmart Drag Rope is the beefy accessory for you. Utilizing a thick polypropylene rope for more drag coefficient, every revolution of this fitness accessory can be an effective workout in itself. This simple silhouette features no bearings, either, so be sure to allow for proper turnover in your grip. Is it the fastest rope available? Absolutely not. Is it one hell of a workout for your shoulders, core and arms? Resoundingly, yes.

At less than 0.4 pounds and featuring a 3/32-inch cable diameter, I was seriously impressed with how well this jump rope tackled all my training needs. The knurled handles are constructed from aircraft-grade aluminum, promoting that lightweight feel and superior security. Additionally, the cable was easy to adjust with a quick cable cutter snip, but locking down the smaller adjustment screws could be a pain for athletes less equipped with the proper tools. Still, however, for speed work and general warmups, this effective jump rope is more than capable for the tasks at hand, all for the reasonable price of less than $50.

I think we’ve all jumped rope with one of these striped beauties over the course of our educational careers. The Segmented Jump Rope from Champion Sports features a hard plastic segmentation that gives any workout that nostalgic, recess-reminiscent sound and the plastic itself is durable enough for extended use. Additionally, the segmented plastic over the inner cable creates a durable surface that's perfect for indoor and outdoor workouts alike. The thin plastic handles, however, are a weak point in the construction of this jump rope, as they can easily crack if stepped on or stored improperly.